Introduction to Cost Management

  • ECITB Accredited

This in-person course has been designed by our industry experts and accredited by the ECITB against their Level 3 training standards. This course will take learners through the theory of Cost Management, Cost Control and how finances should be tracked and analysed through a Projects Lifecycle.

The course will be delivered by one of our ECITB approved trainers over a day. The day will include teaching, in-classroom exercises, discussions, and a final exercise. The outputs of this exercise will be presented to the trainer and feedback on this work will be given.

For more information, press here.

*This module and the Budgeting Module must be completed together to qualify as an ECITB course*

Course Contents

    • What is Cost Management and why is it important?

    • Cost Management Process

    • Identification of Costs and Types of cost

    • What is Cost Control

    • Cost Baseline

    • Cost Control Process

    • Forecast v Actuals

    • Exercise – Undertake a Cost Control Exercise on a Mock Project and produce a report covering a 3 month period informing the Project team of progress against the budget.


12. Intro to Schedule Management


14. Intro to Earned Value Management