Introduction to Cost Estimating

    • What is Cost Estimating?

    • Developing a Cost Estimating Plan

    • The Cost Estimating Process

    • Estimating Classifications

    • Creating the Basis of Estimate

    • Types of Cost

    • Risk and Contingency Planning

    • Value Engineering

    • Integration with Project Management/Project Controls

    • Common Mistakes and impacts of Poor Estimating

    • Exercise – Build different levels of estimates including a Basis of Estimate

  • ECITB Accredited

This in-person course has been designed by our industry experts and accredited by the ECITB against their Level 3 training standards. This course will take learners through the theory of Cost Estimating explaining the process of building an accurate estimate and how doing so impacts other Project Controls/Management Disciplines.

The course will be delivered by one of our ECITB approved trainers over a day. The day will include teaching, in-classroom exercises, discussions, and a final exercise. The outputs of this exercise will be presented to the trainer and feedback on this work will be given.

For more information, press here.

Course Contents


04. Introduction to Planning


06. Intro to Budgeting and Cost Control